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Frankie Laine Morris

Frankie is a service minded mother hen that thrives in order and perfection. Her atypical meticulous eye and extra finicky caution show in her homes’ decor and detail. Acute awareness of organizing each element in her rentals sets her apart from the average host. Seemingly insignificant aspects such as straightening the silverware trays or sanitizing the shampoo bottle in the shower between guests are noticed when walking into her spaces. She loves animals – all animals! Rescued donkeys, chickens in need of convalescence, abused kittens needing special care, and the like. Each animal is spoiled and treated kindly. She speaks gently to her pets daily, no matter their size or condition. Every guest at her farm is regarded as important as the Queen of England or her very best friend! Cooking is her second great love next to animal husbandry. She has joined homestyle/comfort food with 100% organic and clean-eating ingredients such as locally sourced and 100% grass fed dairy and meat or wild-caught and no preservatives seafood. Nothing pleases her more than serving and providing a wonderful memory to her guests. She’s a Retired Air Force Wife, mother to 3 unique children, daughter, sister, auntie, friend, and farmer. Hard work, getting dirty, long days, no make-up, and harsh winters don’t scare her away from this job! She loves God, America, and her family! New Hampshire has been her whole heart since she was a young girl. She is finally living her dream life on a New England farm. Live Free or Die!